Bert Bengtson Twitter



Svelte Worldwide is a portable interactive globe component built with Svelte and D3. This component can easily be imported into any project and used to display a globe with a selected country highlighted.


Install the package using your favorite package manager.

# npm
npm i svelte-worldwide

# pnpm
pnpm i svelte-worldwide

To fully utilize this component you will need to import the topojson data for the globe. This can easily be done in your PageLoad function in Sveltekit, or a simple fetch call. I recommend using the world-atlas repo to get your topojson data.

/** @type {import('./$types').PageLoad} */
export const load = (async ({ fetch }) => {
		const res = await fetch('');
		const world = await res.json();
		return { world };

Import the component into your project and use it as a normal Svelte component.

    import Projection from 'svelte-world';

    /** @type {import('./$types').PageData} */
    export let data;

<Projection world={} />


World Tour

By modifying the name prop to a country name, the globe will reactively animate to that country and highlight it.

You just got Svelted by!
